
A project aimed at revolutionizing wealth management education. With a focus on accessibility and engagement. The aim of the project is to solve "Wealth inequality across generations is becoming more and more prevalent" on a global level by impacting the regional level issues of wealth management education.

A project aimed at revolutionizing wealth management education. With a focus on accessibility and engagement. The aim of the project is to solve "Wealth inequality across generations is becoming more and more prevalent" on a global level by impacting the regional level issues of wealth management education.

This project was done as a submission for the course Design Thinking under the professor Durell Coleman at the University of Texas at Austin, in collaboration with Aayushi Saha, Logan Smith and Yiting Li.

My Contribution


Responsible for user research about project concept at multiple stages, following it up with analysis of collected information into changes for the product along the way.

Responsible for user research about project concept at multiple stages, following it up with analysis of collected information into changes for the product along the way.


Creation of high-fidelity screens and user flows across the platform, with a major focus on creating a design system which is accessible yet implemented well across the product.

Creation of high-fidelity screens and user flows across the platform, with a major focus on creating a design system which is accessible yet implemented well across the product.

Understanding our scope

Our Original Aim

Millennials disproportionately face high debt and low savings compared to older generations.

Millennials disproportionately face high debt and low savings compared to older generations.

But after talking to people,

we found that the problem was a little less about generational wealth, and more about 

how we talk and learn about money.

This brings us to our problem,

Personal finance education isn’t easily accessible or available from a reliable source, especially for students who are learning to build wealth.

Personal finance education isn’t easily accessible or available from a reliable source, especially for students who are learning to build wealth.


Who did we meet and what did they say?

We each spoke to participants who were willing to share with us about their experiences in making decisions about loans, investments, debt, and their experience in learning about financial literacy. 

We predominantly spoke to students and young adults. Our participants were primarily worried about loans and the idea of being beholden to paying someone back for something or being taken advantage of. Those same participants had varied approaches to investing, whether they opted for basic retirement plans or felt comfortable investing in the stock market, and how they made those decisions. 

There was also no single source of truth or information for our participants to utilize: when asked where they found information about making these kinds of decisions, the responses spanned from “friends and family” to “the internet,” – specifically reddit! Financial awareness didn’t translate into a reference, and we saw a place where we could step in to help users gain clarity and grow confidence.

We each spoke to participants who were willing to share with us about their experiences in making decisions about loans, investments, debt, and their experience in learning about financial literacy. 

We predominantly spoke to students and young adults. Our participants were primarily worried about loans and the idea of being beholden to paying someone back for something or being taken advantage of. Those same participants had varied approaches to investing, whether they opted for basic retirement plans or felt comfortable investing in the stock market, and how they made those decisions. 

There was also no single source of truth or information for our participants to utilize: when asked where they found information about making these kinds of decisions, the responses spanned from “friends and family” to “the internet,” – specifically reddit! Financial awareness didn’t translate into a reference, and we saw a place where we could step in to help users gain clarity and grow confidence.

First Design

The Problem Statement

Dave, a graduate student who wants to financially secure himself for the future, needs a way to understand how to approach financial decision making because he wants to know more but everybody around him talks about different approaches.

Original Solution

We wanted to explore various ideas which ranged from creating a board game to making an educational app which would provide a safe space for the current generation to talk about their wealth issues.

We wanted to explore various ideas which ranged from creating a board game to making an educational app which would provide a safe space for the current generation to talk about their wealth issues.

Initial Low-fidelity Wireframes

We created a simple set of low-fidelity designs to get our brains started to get some upper level feedback on the concept. We kept the screens very simple as we wanted to focus on the idea not the execution of it yet.

We created a simple set of low-fidelity designs to get our brains started to get some upper level feedback on the concept. We kept the screens very simple as we wanted to focus on the idea not the execution of it yet.


We went ahead and interviewed our participants and wanted to understand how they felt about the board game and app ideas. We learnt that although our users liked the idea of a game they found the board game confusing and it had a very large scope. Our app on the other hand received a fairly positive response as it was easy to learn and reached more audience easily. We modified the board game idea to a quiz and a stock market game and had to redo our POV statement to fit our users better.

Second Design

Design System

We decided on a visual style guide, created a design system, had multiple rounds of iterations followed by a back and forth loop between testing and prototyping.

Color System

We went ahead with a blue and dark blue primary theme to give the application is calming yet professional appearance to make sure that people who enter the platform are not dropping off due to trust factor which comes with money concepts.

We went ahead with a blue and dark blue primary theme to give the application is calming yet professional appearance to make sure that people who enter the platform are not dropping off due to trust factor which comes with money concepts.

Font System

Font System

The font we used was Lato and here are the various types that were used across the platform.

The font we used was Lato and here are the various types that were used across the platform.

Second Design Screens

Based on the feedback around the ideas and the design system we created our first set of high-fidelity screens.


The onboarding was kept simple and playful to explain the user about the features while also not over-burdening them with too much information about the platform before we know about them. We followed this up with questions to learn about the user and to cater the experience towards them based on those learnings.

Homepage and Profile

Homepage and Profile

The platform and it's homepage was made keeping in mind it merges all the aspects of the platform so it has to be easy to understand, and the profile was built keeping in mind the platform would be statistics based which could help people compare their progress with others.

The platform and it's homepage was made keeping in mind it merges all the aspects of the platform so it has to be easy to understand, and the profile was built keeping in mind the platform would be statistics based which could help people compare their progress with others.

Learning Flow

Learning Flow

The learning flow is the most important aspect of the solution and had to be made with the most meticulous understanding of what the users want. It was created with three major actions in it:
1. Learning
2. Answering
3. Feedback

While learning and answering it was a quiz but the feedback was made in a way that they could see the aspects they need to focus on while also cheering them on for what they did well in.

The learning flow is the most important aspect of the solution and had to be made with the most meticulous understanding of what the users want. It was created with three major actions in it:
1. Learning
2. Answering
3. Feedback

While learning and answering it was a quiz but the feedback was made in a way that they could see the aspects they need to focus on while also cheering them on for what they did well in.


We followed up with our interviewee's and got feedback on various aspects of the application. There were lots of important things we learned about visual tweaks to changing the flows. The change list included the following:
1. Visual changes to the navigation
2. Better introduction to the stock practice flow
3. More information about the onboarding questions
4. Adding context to each section to avoid confusion

Final Designs

Based on our learnings we made the changes and they ranged from major UI changes to simple content changes.

Future Scope

  • Seek sponsorship and allow users to translate coins into real money to invest

  • Partner with investment platforms, or financial advisors to offer financial services to users, making it easy to transition from learning to real-world application.

  • Create full curriculum plan for schools or groups to utilize alongside the MoneyLingo app

  • Microcredential and badges can be embedded that users can earn and share on their professional network