
Merging plant care and technology seamlessly. Users nurture plants, track growth, and engage in a vibrant, user-driven community. A project designed to enhance your plant journey through nature-inspired innovation.

Merging plant care and technology seamlessly. Users nurture plants, track growth, and engage in a vibrant, user-driven community. A project designed to enhance your plant journey through nature-inspired innovation.

This project was done as a submission for the course INF385T UX Prototyping under the professor Mick McQuaid at the University of Texas at Austin, in collaboration with Hazel Dunn, Vignesh Sankar and Vasupradha Bhat

This project was done as a submission for the course INF385T UX Prototyping under the professor Mick McQuaid at the University of Texas at Austin, in collaboration with Hazel Dunn, Vignesh Sankar and Vasupradha Bhat

My Contribution


  1. Conducted competitive analysis for 2 products which helped us created a priority list for features needed on the platform.

  2. Lead the user interviews on which helped us understand how people are using the low-fidelity version of the product.

  1. Conducted competitive analysis for 2 products which helped us created a priority list for features needed on the platform.

  2. Lead the user interviews on which helped us understand how people are using the low-fidelity version of the product.

  1. Conducted competitive analysis for 2 products which helped us created a priority list for features needed on the platform.

  2. Lead the user interviews on which helped us understand how people are using the low-fidelity version of the product.


  1. Solo creator of the design system on Figma which represented the image we wanted to the product to present.

  2. Creation of animations that were used on the platform as well as the animations used while navigating the platform.

  1. Solo creator of the design system on Figma which represented the image we wanted to the product to present.

  2. Creation of animations that were used on the platform as well as the animations used while navigating the platform.


The goal of Planteria is to make plant care easy and enjoyable for everyone. It uses technology to give personalized tips, helps you track your plants' progress, and lets you connect with other plant lovers. Planteria wants to help you have happy and healthy plants while making friends who share your green interests!

The goal of Planteria is to make plant care easy and enjoyable for everyone. It uses technology to give personalized tips, helps you track your plants' progress, and lets you connect with other plant lovers. Planteria wants to help you have happy and healthy plants while making friends who share your green interests!

The Process



What inspired us?

The woman in the picture is envisioned as a single mother who must care for her child and plants. We assumed that she loves plants and that her child and the plants are like her family. In order to help her manage her busy schedule, we are planning to design an application that will allow her to learn more about new plants, as well as manage and track all of her current plants. She can use the app as a platform to sell her plants and earn money to support her family and her home.

The woman in the picture is envisioned as a single mother who must care for her child and plants. We assumed that she loves plants and that her child and the plants are like her family. In order to help her manage her busy schedule, we are planning to design an application that will allow her to learn more about new plants, as well as manage and track all of her current plants. She can use the app as a platform to sell her plants and earn money to support her family and her home.

Competitive Analysis

Learning about similar applications:

Learning about similar applications:

We spent a few days learning about applications that are built around improving planting experiences. This helped us gauge what is already existing in the market to understand what people are used to, helping us set a baseline for minimum expectations and what features could be standout features. We made a list of features with screenshots helping us brainstorm on these features.

We spent a few days learning about applications that are built around improving planting experiences. This helped us gauge what is already existing in the market to understand what people are used to, helping us set a baseline for minimum expectations and what features could be standout features. We made a list of features with screenshots helping us brainstorm on these features.


Nature ID


Our next sprint was deciding for major sections of the application and each member took one section to create flows from that section. The team took the next few days to sketch out their ideas onto paper and matching how they would work together at the highest level of design.

Our next sprint was deciding for major sections of the application and each member took one section to create flows from that section. The team took the next few days to sketch out their ideas onto paper and matching how they would work together at the highest level of design.

Login/Signup and Onboarding:

Login/Signup and Onboarding:

My Garden:

My Garden:

A user can add plants, explore the plants that they have, look at the details, where the plants are located, what care they need, specific suggestions for those plants, and get reminders.

A user can add plants, explore the plants that they have, look at the details, where the plants are located, what care they need, specific suggestions for those plants, and get reminders.

Buying plants and accessories:

Buying plants and accessories:

The app serves as a one-stop shop where beginners may filter and search for plants based on a variety of criteria. Learn more about the plant, look at its growing requirements, see their reviews, and talk to other people who have it and buy some plants.
The app also provides a platform for specialists to sell their plants and offer consultations.

The app serves as a one-stop shop where beginners may filter and search for plants based on a variety of criteria. Learn more about the plant, look at its growing requirements, see their reviews, and talk to other people who have it and buy some plants.
The app also provides a platform for specialists to sell their plants and offer consultations.



The idea of journaling is to help the user keep log of their plants, we expanded on it by adding a social aspect to it. Allowing the user to add friends and find experts to see their journals, the idea is that they can find information about plants from others journals.

The idea of journaling is to help the user keep log of their plants, we expanded on it by adding a social aspect to it. Allowing the user to add friends and find experts to see their journals, the idea is that they can find information about plants from others journals.

Home, Settings and Profile


Story Mapping

The process started with a brainstorming session with everyone spilling ideas that came to their head; this is where the mini competitive research we did last week came in hand.

Based on this we created a small rough structure of the following:
1. Ideas
2. Product Goals
3. Users

The process started with a brainstorming session with everyone spilling ideas that came to their head; this is where the mini competitive research we did last week came in hand.

Based on this we created a small rough structure of the following:
1. Ideas
2. Product Goals
3. Users



This was the space where we jotted down everything that came to our heads, good or bad didn't matter. This turned out useful as this helped us develop product goals and type of users.

This was the space where we jotted down everything that came to our heads, good or bad didn't matter. This turned out useful as this helped us develop product goals and type of users.

Product Goals

Product Goals

Based on the ideas we merged similar domain ideas into one and put them under a category of real world action called product goals. This was a back and forth discussion as we came up with new product goals based on which we added more ideas to the idea pool we created.

Based on the ideas we merged similar domain ideas into one and put them under a category of real world action called product goals. This was a back and forth discussion as we came up with new product goals based on which we added more ideas to the idea pool we created.



Based on the product goals and ideas we created small scenarios of what kind of users would like to use the application, this was a fast process as by now we had an idea about the goals and the features we wanted.

Based on the product goals and ideas we created small scenarios of what kind of users would like to use the application, this was a fast process as by now we had an idea about the goals and the features we wanted.



Before moving into creating a story map we all came to the conclusion a good idea would be to create 2-3 personas and test if our ideas would be catering to them well. Based on these discussions we came up with 3 personas.

Before moving into creating a story map we all came to the conclusion a good idea would be to create 2-3 personas and test if our ideas would be catering to them well. Based on these discussions we came up with 3 personas.



With Cassandra we wanted to target the audience of people who struggle with time to cater plants and minimal knowledge about plants due to time constraints but is interested in the idea of exploring to learn about plants.

With Cassandra we wanted to target the audience of people who struggle with time to cater plants and minimal knowledge about plants due to time constraints but is interested in the idea of exploring to learn about plants.



With Matt, we wanted to emphasize people who are new and curious about growing plants.

With Matt, we wanted to emphasize people who are new and curious about growing plants.



With Emma, we wanted to focus on the very passionate people, experienced in growing plants.

With Emma, we wanted to focus on the very passionate people, experienced in growing plants.

Deciding user flows

Working on story mapping helped us understand the various flows that the users might go through and what all features would be used. Based on the overlap of features used by personas we divided them into categories of priority.

Working on story mapping helped us understand the various flows that the users might go through and what all features would be used. Based on the overlap of features used by personas we divided them into categories of priority.

Design System

Nature Inspired Colors

Our color palette takes inspiration from nature, instilling a sense of calm and connection to the outdoors. Earthy tones provide a soothing backdrop, while subtle green accents add vibrancy. These colors enhance clarity and readability, ensuring a visually pleasing and user-friendly interface.

Our color palette takes inspiration from nature, instilling a sense of calm and connection to the outdoors. Earthy tones provide a soothing backdrop, while subtle green accents add vibrancy. These colors enhance clarity and readability, ensuring a visually pleasing and user-friendly interface.


We prioritize simplicity with Work Sans, a clean and modern font. For added versatility and a touch of character, we introduce Maitree, a serif font. These typefaces guarantee readability and sophistication, aligning seamlessly with our nature-centric theme.

We prioritize simplicity with Work Sans, a clean and modern font. For added versatility and a touch of character, we introduce Maitree, a serif font. These typefaces guarantee readability and sophistication, aligning seamlessly with our nature-centric theme.

Icons and Components

Our design system includes intuitive icons for easy navigation. Buttons are designed for effortless interaction. Filters and forms maintain clarity with distinct active and inactive states. Information labels provide essential guidance, and optional icons enhance communication. Textboxes offer multiple states and, when necessary, informative icons for seamless user interaction

Our design system includes intuitive icons for easy navigation. Buttons are designed for effortless interaction. Filters and forms maintain clarity with distinct active and inactive states. Information labels provide essential guidance, and optional icons enhance communication. Textboxes offer multiple states and, when necessary, informative icons for seamless user interaction

Final Designs

High Fidelity Designs

Onboarding Users

Onboarding Users

The onboarding feature helps new users learn the app's key features while authentication ensures privacy and security. Collecting user data allows for personalization and relevant recommendations. The home page and profile feature are tailored to the user's preferences for an enjoyable experience.

The onboarding feature helps new users learn the app's key features while authentication ensures privacy and security. Collecting user data allows for personalization and relevant recommendations. The home page and profile feature are tailored to the user's preferences for an enjoyable experience.

Finding and managing your plants

The finding plants flow is an efficient way for plant lovers to find, purchase, and care for their plants. It features a vast search with filters, a list of sellers nearby, the ability to add plants to a cart, and the ability to track orders.

The finding plants flow is an efficient way for plant lovers to find, purchase, and care for their plants. It features a vast search with filters, a list of sellers nearby, the ability to add plants to a cart, and the ability to track orders.

A simple yet effective flow which lets the users to add and manage the plants by the users.

A simple yet effective flow which lets the users to add and manage the plants by the users.


A journaling feature in a plant care app can help users track their plant's progress, learn more about their plants, and share their experiences with others.

A journaling feature in a plant care app can help users track their plant's progress, learn more about their plants, and share their experiences with others.


Planteria's micro-interactions aimed to enhance user engagement and aesthetic appeal. They included changes to existing elements, introduction of new elements, and transitions between pages. These animations added subtle, visually pleasing details, like smooth state changes and artistic touches, such as a person watering a plant, resulting in a more enjoyable user experience.

Planteria's micro-interactions aimed to enhance user engagement and aesthetic appeal. They included changes to existing elements, introduction of new elements, and transitions between pages. These animations added subtle, visually pleasing details, like smooth state changes and artistic touches, such as a person watering a plant, resulting in a more enjoyable user experience.

  1. Changing Existing Elements

  1. Changing Existing Elements

These subtle animations bring elegance and coherence to our app. They ensure smooth transitions, maintaining a user-friendly and intuitive interface.

These subtle animations bring elegance and coherence to our app. They ensure smooth transitions, maintaining a user-friendly and intuitive interface.

  1. New Elements Entering

  1. New Elements Entering

Delightful bounces draw attention to fresh content, adding a touch of surprise and ensuring polished transitions.

Delightful bounces draw attention to fresh content, adding a touch of surprise and ensuring polished transitions.

  1. Moving Between Pages

  1. Moving Between Pages

Our sliding page transitions create a seamless flow, mimicking the ease of flipping pages in a book for a more enjoyable user experience.

Our sliding page transitions create a seamless flow, mimicking the ease of flipping pages in a book for a more enjoyable user experience.

Artistic animations like Lottie's plant-watering sequence and a custom checkmark fill animation bring joy and feedback to user actions. Each micro-interaction enriches the Planteria experience, making it both user-centric and delightful.

Artistic animations like Lottie's plant-watering sequence and a custom checkmark fill animation bring joy and feedback to user actions. Each micro-interaction enriches the Planteria experience, making it both user-centric and delightful.



For our user testing, we recruited 8 users to walk through the Planteria app so we could observe and obtain feedback, half in person, and half through

We had them complete a total of 8 tasks, each covering a different flow of the app. After each task, we asked the users additional questions to obtain more feedback. In addition to asking task follow-up questions, we also asked some final wrap up questions and asked the participants to complete a SUS questionnaire to evaluate their perception of the app and identify areas that require improvement.

For our user testing, we recruited 8 users to walk through the Planteria app so we could observe and obtain feedback, half in person, and half through

We had them complete a total of 8 tasks, each covering a different flow of the app. After each task, we asked the users additional questions to obtain more feedback. In addition to asking task follow-up questions, we also asked some final wrap up questions and asked the participants to complete a SUS questionnaire to evaluate their perception of the app and identify areas that require improvement.

Interviews and Task List

We developed an interview script and a list of tasks for user testing, including signing up, searching and buying a plant, finding a specific journal, adding a new journal, managing plants, tasks, and exploring recommended plants.

We developed an interview script and a list of tasks for user testing, including signing up, searching and buying a plant, finding a specific journal, adding a new journal, managing plants, tasks, and exploring recommended plants.





Clarity and simplification of icons and buttons were requested.

Clarity and simplification of icons and buttons were requested.



Flows around plant addition and journal page had requests to be simplified.

Flows around plant addition and journal page had requests to be simplified.



Home page was concluded to be confusing to navigate and re-prioritization of information order was suggested.

Home page was concluded to be confusing to navigate and re-prioritization of information order was suggested.



Users appreciated the color palette and minimalist micro-animations.

Users appreciated the color palette and minimalist micro-animations.



The task list feature was found useful for plant care.

The task list feature was found useful for plant care.
