Navigating the Educational Revolution: My Journey with Winuall

When the world suddenly went remote due to the COVID-19 pandemic, traditional education faced an existential crisis. But amidst these challenges, I had the incredible opportunity to be part of a game-changing internship project at Winuall. Our mission? To make the transition from offline to online learning as seamless as possible. My role as the sole designer was to build a design team that would shape the user experience and marketing strategy. Together, we set out to help students, tutors, and coaching institutes adapt to the new normal.

When the world suddenly went remote due to the COVID-19 pandemic, traditional education faced an existential crisis. But amidst these challenges, I had the incredible opportunity to be part of a game-changing internship project at Winuall. Our mission? To make the transition from offline to online learning as seamless as possible. My role as the sole designer was to build a design team that would shape the user experience and marketing strategy. Together, we set out to help students, tutors, and coaching institutes adapt to the new normal.

Project Overview

Our internship project at Winuall was all about understanding the unique needs of students, tutors, and institutes that had been rooted in traditional teaching methods for years. We collaborated closely with several coaching institutes, each serving thousands of students. Our goal was to create a platform that preserved their legacy features while being user-friendly and customizable. Here's a closer look at our journey:

A Design System with a Twist

The challenge was to strike the right balance between professionalism and fun. Our target audience was teenagers, so we crafted a design system that was vibrant and engaging while still maintaining the seriousness needed for education.

Where We Focused

Landing Page

We started by simplifying the landing page, ensuring that it clearly communicated what our product offered. We avoided jargon and used plain language to make sure even those deeply entrenched in traditional education could understand it.

We started by simplifying the landing page, ensuring that it clearly communicated what our product offered. We avoided jargon and used plain language to make sure even those deeply entrenched in traditional education could understand it.

Web Application Portal

This was the heart of our project, where institutes could control everything related to their courses and materials. We had to consider a few critical aspects:

This was the heart of our project, where institutes could control everything related to their courses and materials. We had to consider a few critical aspects:


Every institute had its unique ways, and change was not their strong suit. So, we made sure most elements on the portal could be customized to fit their preferences.

Every institute had its unique ways, and change was not their strong suit. So, we made sure most elements on the portal could be customized to fit their preferences.

User-Friendly Tutorials

Many of the institute administrators were not tech-savvy. Creating tutorials that were clear and easy to follow was a major challenge. We worked closely with them, collecting feedback and making improvements until it clicked.

Many of the institute administrators were not tech-savvy. Creating tutorials that were clear and easy to follow was a major challenge. We worked closely with them, collecting feedback and making improvements until it clicked.

Adding Some Flair

To break the monotony of text-heavy pages, we introduced custom illustrations and icons, injecting a bit of personality into the interface.

To break the monotony of text-heavy pages, we introduced custom illustrations and icons, injecting a bit of personality into the interface.

User Feedback Loop

We discovered that our target audience loved double-checking their work. So, we added feedback popups and notifications across the platform to create a continuous loop of user input and helpful feedback.

We discovered that our target audience loved double-checking their work. So, we added feedback popups and notifications across the platform to create a continuous loop of user input and helpful feedback.

Student Mobile Application

Recognizing that students needed a platform of their own, we developed a separate mobile app. It was all about presenting information clearly and ensuring that important actions were easily accessible. This separate app made life easier for the students.

Recognizing that students needed a platform of their own, we developed a separate mobile app. It was all about presenting information clearly and ensuring that important actions were easily accessible. This separate app made life easier for the students.

Admin Mobile Application

Teachers love their mobiles for managing classes, so we created a dedicated admin app. To avoid confusion while performing similar tasks, we came up with a design style that used colors to indicate specific actions. It made things crystal clear.

Teachers love their mobiles for managing classes, so we created a dedicated admin app. To avoid confusion while performing similar tasks, we came up with a design style that used colors to indicate specific actions. It made things crystal clear.


Our internship project at Winuall was a transformative experience. We bridged the gap between traditional and online education, helping coaching institutes, students, and tutors navigate the turbulent waters of the pandemic. The hard work and dedication of our design team, led by yours truly, played a pivotal role in this success story. This case study showcases how design thinking can revolutionize education during times of upheaval.